Wednesday, July 13, 2016


The first piece was for a writing group inspiration photo a couple of months ago. It was not based on real life, but the topic was very heavy on my heart at the time, watching people around me cope with depression. Unfortunately, last month someone close to me did the unthinkable. "Perceptions 2" is dedicated to him. Some artistic license was taken, but mostly inspired by real life.


When she came to their school they noticed her. “You’re pretty,” the boys would say. “You’re hot,” the boys would say. They whistled as she walked through the cafeteria.

When she stopped eating they didn’t stop.  “Nice rack,” the boys would say.  “Nice ass,” the boys would say. They touched her as they passed in the hallway.

When she cut herself they didn’t stop. “Why are you wearing long sleeves in the summer?” the boys would ask. “Show us some skin,” the boys would say. They attacked her in the parking lot.

When she looked in the mirror she saw a monster. “I’m ugly,” she said to her reflection. “I’m nothing,” she said to the face staring back at her. She dressed to the nines and left.

When the train blew its whistle she didn’t move. “This is the only way out,” she said. “This is the only way to end the pain,” she said. The whistle blew again.

When her body was found it was a shock. “It’s a shame,” the policemen said. “She was so pretty,” the policemen said. Her yellow dress was stained crimson.

When they heard of her death they didn’t stop. “You’re pretty,” they said to another. “You’re hot,” the boys would say.

"Perceptions 2"

When he left this world it was a shock. “It can’t be true,” they said. “I can’t believe it,” they said. They sat in silence.

When the rumors spread, they questioned why. “There were no signs,” they said. “He seemed so happy,” they said. They were dumbfounded that he left them.

When news was released, they lifted him up. “He was so talented,” the websites said. “He was so successful,” the newscasters said. They remembered his career.

When the community gathered, they wept together. “He was so loved,” they said. “He will be missed,” they said. They held a vigil by candlelight.

When they read the note it was a shock…

You never know what someone is going through. Just be loving, always. If you or someone you know is depressed or considering suicide, GET HELP RIGHT AWAY!